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The OGSE100 is MPRC’s flagship report that provides a ranking of Malaysia’s top 100 OGSE companies based on revenue. The report offers a snapshot of the size and health of the Oil & Gas Services and Equipment (OGSE) sector, by analysing consolidated industry performance in terms of revenue, profit before tax (PBT), PBT margin and total fixed assets for OGSE companies in Malaysia.

These financial indicators are also used to assess the financial performance of Malaysia’s OGSE sector and its top 100 companies, making the report an important reference point for industry players, potential investors and relevant stakeholders. Additionally, we conduct a comparative analysis of OGSE endeavours in Malaysia vis-à-vis those in Southeast Asia.

As a whole, the OGSE100 report offers a comprehensive perspective of the OGSE sector landscape, delineating trends in the sector as well as its future trajectory. The compilation serves as a useful reference point to formulate strategies and drive sustained development within the sector.

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