Policy Advisory
and Advocacy

MPRC supports the Ministry of Economy by providing research and advisory services for the oil, gas, and energy industries — aligned with national socioeconomic goals, aiding local OGSE companies in renewable energy and digitalising to enhance Malaysia’s economic well-being.


MPRC undertakes policy advisory and advocacy as part of its three strategic focus areas under its Five-Year Strategic Plan 2022-2027. Through this role, MPRC supports the Ministry of Economy by providing research, consulting and policy advisory services on the oil and gas and energy industries. Since 2022, this has included conducting studies and developing programmes to support the government’s growth priorities for the oil and gas and energy industries.

Advocating for Cleaner and Sustainable Energy

In line with the global shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, MPRC encourages OGSE companies to explore new business areas or adopt energy efficiency in alignment with the energy transition as part of its policy advocacy efforts.

The National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), which was developed by the Ministry of Economy and released in two parts in June and August 2023, provides clear direction from the Government on its net zero targets and its plans to achieve those targets.

As an agency of the Ministry of Economy and due to the significance of the energy transition towards OGSE sector, MPRC supports the promotion and advocacy of the NETR by helping to showcase and explain the policy at our stakeholder engagement events as well as at externally-organised industry events.

Read more: National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR)

Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS)

Malaysia aims to establish itself as a central hub for Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) in the region. This is part of a broader strategy outlined in the NETR, which emphasises the importance of CCUS in achieving the country’s net zero goal.

MPRC currently supports the Ministry of Economy’s Environmental and Natural Resources Division (Bahagian Ekonomi Alam Sekitar dan Sumber Asli – BEASSA) to develop and lead the implementation of the CCUS Communications Plan towards the Government’s tabling of the CCUS regulations by the end of 2024.

Malaysia as a Regional Gas Market Hub

As part of development studies on the 12th Malaysian Plan, in 2021 MPRC was appointed by the Ministry of Economy (then known as the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department) to conduct a study on positioning Malaysia as a regional gas market hub.

During the study, MPRC worked closely with key stakeholders from both Government and industry to conduct surveys and workshops. The Regional Gas Market Hub Study Steering Committee approved the final report in September 2022. Subsequently, the Ministry of Economy’s Energy Division retained ownership of the study and its findings as part of its oil and gas and energy development plans.