We are committed to the highest standard of integrity and ethics
MPRC is committed to the highest standard of leadership, integrity and ethics in the organisation. We seek to foster an environment of openness and accountability in all aspects of our business conduct and operations.
MPRC aspires to achieve the highest standards of integrity in the conduct of business and operations.
To this end, we are guided by our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE), which defines MPRC’s expected conduct and the measures to swiftly address any improper conduct and unethical behaviour including:
- Fraud, bribery, theft or embezzlement;
- Abuse of power or conflict of interest;
- Misuse of company’s property or non-compliance with procedures;
The above is not exhaustive and includes any act or omissions, which if proven, will constitute an act of misconduct under CoBE or any criminal offence under relevant legislations in force.
We have also created safe avenues for whistleblowers to make disclosures in good faith. We encourage employees and members of the public to come forward with information on alleged improper conduct and unethical behaviour, in order that such detrimental behaviours may be swiftly addressed.
Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan 2022-2026 (OACP)
Following on from our CoBE, we have also put in place our OACP which defines our priority areas and initiatives in Procurement, Finance, Operations and Human Resources to mitigate corruption, integrity, and governance risks in compliance with Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACCA, with a total of 34 initiatives categorised based on the level of complexity and impact.
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy (AB&C)
Our AB&C policy is used as a foundation for the Group to establish, implement, maintain, review, and improve an anti-bribery and anti-corruption system to support the Company’s strategic objectives. It includes guidelines on bribes, kickbacks, extortion, gifts, hospitality, and whistleblowing.
For further enquiries, please contact the Integrity Manager of MPRC at 03 86558750 or email us at integrity@mprc.gov.my
Make a Difference. Blow the Whistle.
MPRC creates a secure and confidential communications channel ensuring we protect your identity by making the entire process completely anonymous for you if you wish to remain anonymous. No potential identifying information such as IP address, personal information, language, etc is passed down. You are in control of what yo share and submit.